Anyone who has been in teaching for any length of time will have either been quizzed by a colleague desperate for book recommendations for their class text, or spent valuable time on Google hunting for a relevant book that looks interesting. All of this has probably happened during a much-needed PPA slot where time always seems to speed up and pressure is building to find that one amazing book which will bring the Tudors to life!
It is all too easy to plump for the same old title that is always used for World War One or the Romans, but this can mean the children missing out on many other fantastic texts. The other thing to consider is that, if budgets allow, it is great to have a class text to share but also have other topic-related books which pupils can choose to read for themselves. This way they are learning about their class subject without even realising it is happening! It also gives teachers the option to send a list of related books home to promote opportunities for families to make library visits and select reading matter to enjoy together.
As a team of current and former primary school teachers, we at Spy Readers know how precious every minute of the day is. We’d love to help you save some time by suggesting the use of our search engine to quickly filter through thousands of children’s fiction books which have been categorised by theme to make the hunt for a new class text a quick and easy task to tick off that to-do list.
Take a look at to see just how easy it is.