The Library App built specially for schools

Spy Readers gives you the ability to scan all of the fiction books in your school and create a whole school library for your pupils.

Spy Readers gives pupils access to every book in their school

No longer are children limited to simply the books in their classroom and perhaps a school library. Spy Readers gives pupils access to every book in their school.

Unsure exactly which areas your school is lacking in for fiction books for your students?

Spy Readers allow you to quickly pinpoint where there might be gaps. For example, are you lacking in books on the Romans or Ancient Egyptians to help support a school topic? Or perhaps it’s that you don’t have a wide enough range of books that allows all of the children to see themselves and their families reflected in the fiction books on offer?

Spy Readers helps you swiftly identify these gaps in your school catalogue and address them by making suggestions for the perfect books for your students.

Do you have pupils who seem to always struggle to find a book that holds their attention?

Children who spend most of reading time doing anything to avoid committing to a book? Our book suggester tool provides personalised book suggestions, in a matter of seconds, based on a child’s age and interests to hugely increase the chance of helping individuals find the books that will finally get them hooked on reading.

Not only this but with Spy Readers it will tell you where these book suggestions are located within your school as well as suggesting books that your school could consider investing in.

Can’t find the next book for a child?

It’s great when a child has found an author or series that they enjoy and, as teachers, we of course want to help them keep this reading momentum. Spy Readers allows you to do this by quickly showing you where else in your school are other books in a certain series or by a particular author.

Do you feel confident that you can personally recommend all of the books in your classroom or school library?

Spy Readers allows you to check all of the themes in a book in seconds and provides a suggested age for books to help you when deciding which year groups they might be best suited for.

See how Spy Readers’ Library App could benefit your school